Business [W]hether your business’ core competencies involve products, services or legally binding promises, delivery is a measuring stick that’s used to evaluate you. Do you deliver what customers want ahead of the industry? Do you deliver it better or cheaper. Do you deliver a different experience; are you a boutique for your industry? Regardless of… Continue reading Delivery IS Business
Brother Can You Spare a Protocol?
If you haven’t yet heard of the SSLv3 protocol exploit then where have you been and how can you sleep at night. Surely someone ran past you yesterday (Tuesday 10/14/14) with his hair on fire, screaming about graceful degradation of protocols. You can read about the POODLE exploit process any number of places… Continue reading Brother Can You Spare a Protocol?
Can Facebook Likes Lead to Prison?
[T]hey can for some people who take advantage of them to figure out where and upon whom to perpetrate fraud. [pullquote]The conspirators were able to [su_highlight background=”#F3F315″ color=”#000000″ class=””]steal the identities of people who had indicated on social media that they “liked” certain retailers.[/su_highlight][/pullquote] On Sept 8, 2014 Renata Galvan was sentenced to… Continue reading Can Facebook Likes Lead to Prison?
Data Breach Breaking Point Prediction
The Catalyst I was enjoying Episode 82 of the Defensive Security podcast with Mr Jerry Bell (@MaliciousLink) and Mr Andrew Kalat (@Lerg). About 18 minutes into the podcast they comment on how few people care about data breaches and wonder what will have to happen before non-infosec people react to data breaches (particularly credit/debit card… Continue reading Data Breach Breaking Point Prediction
Current Event: International Man of Privacy
Early in August I commented on the implications of a US district court’s judgement that Microsoft had to turn over e-mail from alleged UK nationals who’s e-mail stored in a data center in Ireland. At the time of the judgement the judge stayed the ruling pending Microsoft’s appeal. This appears to have been a procedural mistake.… Continue reading Current Event: International Man of Privacy