Threat Agent (TA) – An entity or experience that exposes a system to a loss. The TA needn’t be cognizant as an earthquake can topple a data center without forethought or fire consumes building and paperwork without prejudice. A TA may also be a hacker or hackers phishing for information.
Tag: infosec
Vulnerability (V) – A characteristic that exposes something to a weakness without a countermeasure to mitigate potential losses. A warehouse may have a vulnerability to fire, a data center may have a vulnerability to a physical threat like an earthquake or network may have a vulnerability around access because it lacks a firewall (or perhaps… Continue reading Vulnerability
APT – Advanced, Persistent Threat
Given enough adoption of secure policies and frameworks and a threat agent with adequate resources, access and motivation any control/countermeasure/safeguard can be overcome. This means that a sufficiently motivated and backed threat agent (nee “hacker”) can defeat any one (and in multiple cases, any) security controls put in place. Key takeaway: If you want… Continue reading APT – Advanced, Persistent Threat
State-sponsored cyber warfare
What do you make of accusations such as are quoted in this article on alleged Iranian hacking of infrastructure systems?
Bad news! New Android malware forwards incoming messages to hacker – The Hacker News